
Unofficial Python client library for Semantic Scholar APIs, currently supporting the Academic Graph API and Recommendations API.



pip install semanticscholar

See the Installation page for more detailed installation instructions.


# First, import the client from semanticscholar module
from semanticscholar import SemanticScholar

# You'll need an instance of the client to request data from the API
sch = SemanticScholar()

# Get a paper by its ID
paper = sch.get_paper('10.1093/mind/lix.236.433')

# Print the paper title


'Computing Machinery and Intelligence'

What next?#

  • Usage - See additional examples to learn how to use the library to fetch data from Semantic Scholar APIs.

  • Reference - Get the details of the classes and methods available in the library.

  • API Endpoints - Check the supported SemanticScholar API endpoints and which methods implement them.


As a volunteer-maintained open-source project, contributions of all forms are welcome! For more information, see the Contributing Guidelines.

Please make sure to understand our Code of Conduct before you contribute. TL;DR: Be nice and respectful!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Semantic Scholar API official docs and additional resources#

If you have concerns or feedback specific to this library, feel free to open an issue. However, the official documentation provides additional resources for broader API-related issues.